Master in Psychology with orientation to health and life quality

This Master’s program includes the conceptualization of Areas of Generation and Application of Knowledge (GAK) in which students research projects will be developed. This covers some of the knowledge and dexterity which teachers from the program have been focusing for the last ten years through Master’s studies experiences. Likewise, it summarizes part of the knowledge that has been transformed into research products that include under and postgraduate dissertations, articles, book chapters, academic groups, presentations, among others.

This Master’s program objective is to form researchers with skills and the competencies to innovate, contribute and generate proposals to solve social matters through the generation of knowledge, technological development, basic and applied research, based on the ethical principles that regulate the psychological practice.

Candidate profile:
The candidate of this program should;

  • Know the basic methodological and theoretical aspects related to basic to /or applied research in Psychology.
  • Show competence to generate research ideas and to apply psychological knowledge of scientific or social relevance.
  • Demonstrate basic comprehension of scientific manuscripts in English.
  • Show basic skills in the usage of informatics programs, text processors, spreadsheets, analysis and interpretation of data, and slide show presentation production.
  • Comprehend the academic and professional objectives of the postgraduate program.
  • Know the relevance of scientific work and its impact on society, as well as the scientific development of the subject.

Master’s intermediate profile for candidates.
The student enrolled in this program should;

  • Show knowledge in theoretical and methodological aspects of one of the fields of study in the psychological knowledge.
  • Be able to generate and support a research idea related to a social relevance issue on a local and national standard
  • Propose potential solutions to a social or scientific issue through a written project.

Graduate profile.
The graduate will have the following knowledge, skills, attitudes and values:

  • Knowledge.
    • To have up-to-date information on the literature of his/her research area.
    • To know and comprehend the theoretical and methodological principles that are required in his/her research field of interest.
  • Skills.
    • To analyze, evaluate, and summarize scientific information that is relevant to a field of study.
    • To generate and lead an innovative research.
    • To clearly present in an oral and written way, the results obtained throughout the usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs).
    • To work in multi or transdisciplinary groups.
  • Attitudes and values.
    • The practice of the nominalized functions of the Universidad de Guadalajara will be promoted.
    • To have social responsibility sense.
    • To respect and tolerate ideas, people and other colleagues work.
    • To demonstrate a willingness to get a scientific critique of ideas or work.
    • To be well-behaved, honest, work ethically.

Work field.
The graduates of the Master in Psychology with an orientation to health and life quality will be incorporated to the industry, IES, Research institutes or centers, federal or state health divisions, or areas related their academic training. Likewise, due to the graduate profile of each program, they will improve professionally in terms of creation, management, and participation of academic bodies or research groups, incorporation to the national system of researchers, management of the resources to carry on research projects, academic production and training of human resources.